
Referierte Publikationen

  • Schulz M., Faber E., Hollerbach A., Schröder H. G. & Güde H. (2001): The methane cycle in the epilimnion of Lake Constance. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 151:157-176.
  • Schulz M., Kozerski H.-P., Pluntke T. & Rinke K. (2003): The influence of macrophytes on sedimentation and nutrient retention in the Lower River Spree (Germany). Water Research 37: 569-578.
  • Schulz M., Rinke K. & Köhler J. (2003): A combined approach of photogrammetrical methods and field studies to determine nutrient retention by submersed macrophytes in running waters. Aquatic Botany 76: 17-29.
  • Schulz M. & Herzog C. (2004): The influence of sorption processes on the phosphorus mass balance of a eutrophic German lowland river. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 155: 291-301.
  • Schulz M. (2004): Morphodynamics at the Shore of Mehrerau (Lake Constance). Limnologica 34: 75-82.
  • Schulz M. & Gücker B. (2005): Macrophytes increase spatial patchiness of fluvial sedimentary records and evoke transient particulate nutrient storage. Aquatic Geochemistry 11: 89-107.
  • Schulz M. & Köhler J. (2006): A simple model on phosphorus retention by macrophytes in lowland rivers. Hydrobiologia 563: 521-525.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M. & von Tümpling W. (2007): Modelling arsenic and oil contamination after high water events in the town and floodplain of Bitterfeld (Germany). In: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (Eds.: Gómez J. M., Sonnenschein M., Müller M., Welsch H. & Rautenstrauch C.): 367-376.
  • Schulz M. & Matthies M. (2007): Runoff of pesticides - achievements and limitations of modelling agrochemical dislocation from non-point sources at various scales. Living Reviews in Landscape Research 1: 27 pp. URL:
  • Schulz M. & Bischoff M. (2008): Variation in riverine phosporus between 1994 and 2003 as affected by land-use and loading reductions in six medium-sized to large German rivers. Limnologica 38: 126-138.
  • Schulz M., Bischoff M., Klasmeier J., Berlekamp J. & Matthies M. (2008): An empirical model of soluble reactive phosphorus retention in pristine streams evaluating the results of nutrient tracer experiments. Aquatic Sciences 70: 115-122.
  • Alexandrova O., Schulz M. & Matthies M. (2008): Estimation of the influence of humic substances on radionuclide binding to solids in deposits of radioactive waste. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 194: 287-299.
  • Büttner O., Schulz M., Matthies M. & Rode M. (2009): Flood and pollutant dispersal simulation in urban areas. In: Conference proceedings of The International Conference "Science and Information Technologies for Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems", January 12-16 2009, Concepcion, Chile. ISBN: 978-981-08-2099-2 (CD-ROM).
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Matthies M. & von Tümpling W. (2009): A dynamic model to simulate arsenic, lead, and mercury contamination in the terrestrial environment during extreme floods of rivers. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 37: 209-217.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Matthies M. & von Tümpling W. (2009): A dynamic model to simulate spills of fuel and diesel oil in the terrestrial environment during extreme fluvial floods. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 37: 735-741.
  • Alexandrova O., Schulz M. & Matthies M. (2010): Natural remediation of surface water systems contaminated with nuclear waste via humic substances in South Ural. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 206: 203-214.
  • Alexandrova O., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2011): A quantum statistical approach to remediation effect of humic substances. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: DOI: 10.1007/s11270-011-0783-z.
  • Schulz M., Klasmeier J., Priegnitz J., Heller S., Meinecke S., Feibicke M. (2012): Effect of bed surface roughness on longitudinal dispersion in artificial open channels. Hydrological Processes 26: 272-280.
  • Schulz M., Neumann D., Fleet D. M., Matthies M. (2013): A multi-criteria evaluation system for marine litter pollution based on statistical analyses of OSPAR beach litter monitoring time series. Marine Environmental Research 92: 61-70.
  • Schulz M., Matthies M. (2014): Artificial neural networks for modeling time series of beach litter in the southern North Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 98: 14-20.
  • Büttner O., Rode M., Schulz M. (2014): A new semi-quantitative tracer approach for the validation of a two-dimensional sediment transport model. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40: 8-18.
  • Schulz M., Krone R., Dederer G., Wätjen K., Matthies M. (2015): Comparative analysis of time series of marine litter surveyed on beaches and the seafloor in the southeastern North Sea. Marine Environmental Research 106: 61-67.
  • Schulz M., Clemens T., Förster H., Harder T., Fleet D. M., Gaus S., Grave C., Flegel I., Schrey E., Hartwig E. (2015): Statistical analyses of the results of 25 years of beach litter surveys on the south-eastern North Sea coast. Marine Environmental Research 109: 21-27.
  • Schulz M., van Loon W., Fleet D., Baggelaar P., van der Meulen E. (2017): OSPAR standard method and software for statistical analysis of beach litter data. Marine Pollution Bulletin 122: 166-175.
  • Schernewski G., Balciunas A., Gräwe D., Gräwe U., Klesse K., Schulz M., Wesnigk S., Fleet D., Haseler M., Möllman N., Werner S. (2017): Beach macro-litter monitoring on southern Baltic beaches: results, experiences and recommendations. Journal of Coastal Conservation: DOI 10.1007/s11852-016-0489-x.
  • Schulz M., Walvoort D. J. J., Barry J., Fleet D. M., van Loon W. M. G. M. (2019): Baseline and power analyses for the assessment of beach litter reductions in the European OSPAR region. Environmental Pollution 248: 555-564.
  • Canals M., Pham C., Bergman M., Gutow L., Hanke G., van Sebille E., Angiolillo M., Buhl-Mortensen L., Cau A., Ioakeimidis C., Kammann U., Lundsten L., Papatheodorou G., Purser A., Sanchez-Vidal A., Schulz M., Vinci M., Canese S., Chiba S., Galgani F., Langenkämper D., Möller T., Nattkemper T. W., Ruiz M., Suikkanen S., Wichman D., Woodall L. (2021): The Quest for Seafloor Macrolitter: A Critical Review of Current Methods and Future Prospects: Environmental Research Letters 16: 023001.
  • Schulz M., Unger B., Philipp C., Fleet D. M. (2021): Replicate analyses of OSPAR beach litter data. Environmental Monitorung and Assessment 193: 662.
  • Darmon G., Schulz M., Matiddi M., Loza A. L., Tomas J., Camedda A., Chaieb O., El Hili H. A., Bradai M. N., Bray L., Claro F., Dellinger T., Dell'Amico F., de Lucia G. A., Duncan E. M., Gambaiani D., Godley B., Kaberi H., Kaska Y., Martin J., Moreira C., Ostiategui P., Pham C. K., Piermarini R., Revuelta O., Rodríguez Y., Silvestri C., Snape R., Sozbilen D., Tsangaris C., Vale M., Vandeperre F., Miaud C. (2022): Drivers of litter ingestion by sea turtles: Three decades of empirical data collected in Atlantic Europe and the Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 185: 114364.

 Nicht referierte Publikationen


  • Schulz M. (1999): Sedimentologische Kartierung des Uferbereiches zwischen Unteruhldingen und Seefelden. (Sedimentological survey of the shore between Unteruhldingen and Seefelden.) Plattform 7/8: 66-69.
  • Schulz M., Rinke K. & Köhler J. (2003): Quantifizierung der durch Makrophyten induzierten Nährstoffretention in der Müggelspree. (Quantification of the macrophyte-induced nutrient retention in the Müggelspree.) Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2002 in Brunswick: 252-257.
  • Schulz M., Gücker B. & Hupfer M. (2004): Sedimente in Tieflandflüssen - Nährstoffquelle oder –senke? (Sediments in lowland rivers – nutrient source or sink?) Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2003 in Cologne: 628-632.
  • Schwartz R., Kozerski H.P. & Schulz M. (2004): Messung der Partikelsedimentationsrate in Buhnenfeldern der Elbe. (Measurement of sedimentation rates in groyne fields of the River Elbe.) In: Pusch M. et al. (Eds.): Die Elbe - Gewässerökologische Bedeutung von Flussbettstrukturen. Reports of the IGB (19), IGB, Berlin: 85-126.
  • Schulz M. (2005): Measuring and modelling phosphorus retention in lowland rivers. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2004 in Potsdam: 512-516.
  • von Tümpling W., Rode M., Büttner O., Baborowski M., Böhme M., Gläßer C., Sonnabend B., Matthies M., Schulz M., Schanze J., Walz U. & Sauer A. (2006): Entwicklung eines Schadstoffausbreitungsmodells zur stoffbezogenen Risikoanalyse und -bewertung extremer Hochwasserereignisse am Beispiel des Landkreises und der Stadt Bitterfeld. (Development of a pollutant dispersal model for a risk analysis of high water events exemplifying the town and district of Bitterfeld (Germany)). Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 18: 129-131.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M. & von Tümpling W. (2007): Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung bei Extremhochwasser im Raum Bitterfeld. (Modelling pollutant dispersal by extreme flood events in the region of Bitterfeld). Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2006 in Dresden: 177-181.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M. & von Tümpling W. (2007): Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung im Raum Bitterfeld bei Extremhochwasser. (Modelling pollutant dispersal by extreme flood events in the region of Bitterfeld) Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 13 (2): 31-33.
  • Büttner O., Schulz M.,Matthies M.,Boehme M.,Rode M. (2008): Uncertainty analysis of pollutant dispersal during extreme floods. EGU General Assembly 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-03824, 2008. SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-03824.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Matthies M., von Tümpling W. (2008): A Dynamic Model of Pollutant Transport and Oil Spills in the Terrestrial Environment during Extreme Flood Events. International Workshop ,Integrated Water Quality Modeling: Future Demands and Perspectives‘, Magdeburg, Germany, June 2008.
  • Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Remediation effect of humic acids in nuclear waste deposits. Proceedings of the 2nd EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, September 16-20, 2008, Torino, Italy.
  • Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Mediating action of humic acids in radioactively contaminated water reservoirs. Proceedings of the 2nd EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, September 16-20, 2008, Torino, Italy.
  • Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Modelling of Strontium-90 partitioning in the radioactive waste deposit Old swamp (in Russian). Proceedings of the 1st Ural International Ecological congress "Ecological Safety of mining Regions", 12 - 14 October, 2007, Ekaterinburg, 39-43.
  •  Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): The Properties of humic substances relevant to the saftey of nuclear waste disposal. Proceedings of The second Saint-Petersburg International Ecological Forum 'Environment and human health', 1. - 4.07.08. Congress 'Problems of Radiation Ecology and Human Safety' (N.285): 26.
  • Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Protective function of humic acids in radioactively contaminated open water systems in South Ural. Proceedings of the 5th international scientific-practical conference "Heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment", 15-18 Oktober 2008, Semey Kazakhstan, 3: 111-120.
  • Schulz M. (2009): Monitoring-Grundlagen für die Modellierung reaktiver Transportprozesse. (Monitoring requirements for modelling reactive transport processes.) Bericht der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde „Aspekte des Schadstoffmonitorings an Schwebstoffen und Sedimenten in der aquatischen Umwelt“ (Report of the Federal Institute of Hydrology ‚Aspects of pollutant monitoring of suspended matter and sediments in the aquatic environment”): 5-11.
  • Büttner O.,Rode M., Schulz M. (2010): The use of heavy metal top soil concentrations for the validation of overbank floodplain sedimentation models. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-3496-3, 2010.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M. (2010): Reaktive Transportmodellierung im Raum Bitterfeld bei Extremhochwasser. (Reactive transport modelling in the region of Bitterfeld during extreme flood events.) Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2009 in Oldenburg (Germany): 506-510.
  • Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Matthies M. & von Tümpling W. (2011): Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung bei Extremhochwasser im Raum Bitterfeld.(Modelling pollutant dispersal during extreme flood events in the region of Bitterfeld.)In: Kontaminierte Gewässersedimente - Strategie, Fallbeispiele, Empfehlungen (Contaminated sediments – strategies, case studies, and recommendations), DWA-Themenheft: 105-118.
  • Schulz M., Clemens T., Fleet D., Flegel I., Förster H., Gaus S., Grave C., Harder T., Hartwig E., Matthies M., Schrey E. (2014): Zur Müllbelastung der Nordsee – eine statistische Analyse von Langzeituntersuchungen an Stränden der Deutschen Nordseeküste. Der Mellumrat e.V. - Natur- und Umweltschutz 13(2): 7-11.
  • Fleet D.M., Dau K., Gutow L., Schulz M., Unger B. & van Franeker J.A. (2017): Marine litter. In: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. Eds.: Kloepper S. et al., Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
  • Schulz M., Fleet D.M., Camphuysen K.C.J., Schulze-Dieckhoff M. & Laursen K. (2017): Oil pollution and seabirds. In: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. Eds.: Kloepper S. et al., Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
  • Van Loon W., Hanke G., Fleet D., Werner S., Barry J., Strand J., Eriksson J., Galgani F., Gräwe, D., Schulz M., Vlachogianni T., Press M., Blidberg E. Walvoort D. (2020): A European Threshold Value and Assessment Method for Macro Litter on Coastlines. EUR 30347 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-21444-1, doi:10.2760/54369, JRC121707.
  • Schnurawa M., Vilela R., Weiß F., Nehls G., Schulz M., Dürselen C.-D., Fabris R., Herata H. (2021): Beach litter monitoring in the Arctic using remote sensing data. International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. March 2021, online.
  • Schulz M., Dürselen C.-D., Schnurawa M., Weiss F., Fabris R., Herata H. (2021): Hotspots of beach litter in the Arctic. International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. March 2021, online.
  • Walvoort D., van Loon W., Schulz M., André S. (2021): Modelling and forecasting of beach litter assessment values. Wageningen Environmental Research, Report 3090: 46 pp.
  • Schulz, M., Dau, K., Fleet, D.M. und D. Gräwe (2021). Harmonisierte Erfassungsprotokolle für Müll am Strand auf Grundlage der „Joint List of Litter Categories“. Runder Tisch Meeresmüll, AG Seebasierte Einträge, S. 14,


Buchkapitel und Monographien


  • Kaminski S., Klenk T., Lindner G., Richter T., Schröder H. G. & Schulz M. (1993): Die Bedeutung verschiedener Eintragsprozesse für die Verteilung von Cäsium-Radionukliden im Sediment des Bodensee. (The impact of different import pathways of Cs radionuclides on its distribution in the sediments of Lake Constance.) In: Winter M. & Wicke A. (Eds.): Umweltradioaktivität, Radioökologie, Strahlenschutz. TÜV Press Rheinland, Cologne: 622-627.
  • Schulz M. (1996): Untersuchungen zum Methanumsatz im Bodensee. (Investigations on the methane cycle in Lake Constance.) Cuvillier Press, Göttingen: 137 pp.
  •  Hupfer M., Gelbrecht J., Köhler J., Ackermann G. & Schulz M. (2002): Stoffdynamik in der Spree und den durchflossenen Seen – Nährstoffdynamik. (Geochemical dynamics in the River Spree and its flushed lakes – dynamics of nutrients.) In: Köhler J., Gelbrecht J. & Pusch M. (Eds.): Die Spree – Zustand, Probleme, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. (River Spree – present state, problems, possible developments.) E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart: 100-110.
  • Schulz M. (2016): Retention and reactive transport of nutrients and pollutants in aquatic systems. Im Selbstverlag: 228 S.







